Empowering clinical trials

...to make the impossible possible.

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Moving trials forward. On time. By experience.

As a full-service clinical trial company, we coordinate studies from the first idea until the final results. Our holistic approach is effectively enhanced by our digitally supported procedures. This results in significant advantages arising through synergies between our experts, our partners, physicians and patients.

Clinical Operation

Cross-functional management of all stakeholders during study conduct


Establishing regulatory affairs strategies for clinical research

Medical Writing

Medical expertise creating scientific content in all study phases

Data Management

Risk management by ensuring the highest level of data quality


Permanent surveillance of patient safety


Understanding data with advanced analytics and innovative methods


Global network of CRAs for on-site and remote monitoring

White Paper

The Three Most Common Challenges in Clinical Trials and Their Solutions

Discover our white paper on overcoming key challenges in clinical trials. Avoid costly delays caused by recurring hurdles with these innovative, technological and patient-centric solutions.

Download now

Learn about the Alcedis Journey

Early Study Planning

It all starts with a vision, a hypothesis, an objective - The foundation for a successful study is laid when experts from all disciplines and departments at Alcedis unite for study planning.

  • In depth analysis, feasibility and market evaluation
  • Sample size calculation and study design
  • Creation of first-step documents like study designs, synopsis or research grant applications
  • Writing of study protocols, observational plans and other required documents (ICF etc.)
  • Choosing appropriate study procedures
  • Study course forecasting and reliable budget plans

Initial Phase

Within the initial phase, we take responsibility for the preparation of all set-up activities on time. This contains regulatory requirements, study materials, site preparation and implementing the technical environment on Alcedis Platforms™.

  • Submissions to ethic committees and notifications of authorities
  • Creation of study material and plans for Data Management, Risk-Management, Statistical Analysis or Monitoring
  • Set-up of drug supply, sample management and laboratories
  • Customization of eCRF, choice of plugins and interfaces, set-up to additional data sources via Alcedis Platforms™
  • Site feasibility, identification, contracting, training and initiation


As the recruitment phase is crucial for the course of the study, we make sure that everything is on schedule and sites receive any support needed.

  • Intensive site support and helpdesk
  • Early data reviews after the first patients are included
  • Constant safety monitoring
  • Intensified reporting and communication with the sponsor and other stakeholder


Reliable performance throughout the entire study duration - compliant and on time. We deliver wide ranging services to ensure data quality, safety and smooth study and site administration.

  • Continuous data monitoring, coding, reviews and query management
  • AE handling, reconciliations and pharmacovigilance reportings
  • Conducting on-site visits and remote monitoring
  • Investigator remuneration and study budget control
  • Organization of investigator meetings, DSMBs or steering committee meetings
  • Gaining first insights through interim analysis

Analysis & Archiving

After final database closure, we follow up with processing and analyzing the collected data for required study reporting, before the study project is successfully completed in the course of all archiving procedures.

  • Final statistical analysis
  • Preparation of clinical study reports, publications and scientific presentations
  • Archiving of TMF documents and CRF provision for sites

Monitoring Services

We offer comprehensive clinical monitoring services that are tailored to the specific needs of sponsors and their clinical trial projects.

Learn more

Let's create an impact. Together.

Create a powerful environment for research and contact us today.
