
Alcedis plants 1.000 trees | Alcedis Green

Published: 03.22.2023


Last week, employees, friends and family members of Alcedis came together to plant a total of 1.000 trees in the Giessen forest. We look back on the day.


We started Alcedis Green because of our employees' wish to contribute to sustainability and reduce our CO₂ footprint. As a company, we have a responsibility towards the environment and our local community. That is why we were more than happy to do so with our "Alcedis Green" initiative.

For our first action we teamed up with klimafairein e.V. to plant 1.000 trees in a local forest, the Giessener Bergwerkswald. The klimafiarein supported us not only in the organisation of the event, but also with dedicated helpers and the necessary tools.


Alcedis Green plants 1.000 trees


Alex Wright, the mayor of Giessen, opened the event with a few words. He emphasised the importance of climate and nature protection and expressed his appreciation for so many volunteers sacrificing their Saturday morning for this important task.


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The planting area allotted to us was devastated by a storm 20 years ago. It was now on us to help reforest this part of the nature reserve. In the course of the day, we planted oaks, cherries, hornbeams and more. Deciduous tree species that create a climate-resilient forest and can withstand the climatic conditions in a hundred years. In the coming decades and centuries, the "Alcedis forest" will become an important habitat for many animal and plant species and make a valuable contribution to climate protection.  


If we assume that a deciduous tree absorbs an average of 15 kg of carbon per year, then the 1.000 trees of the Alcedis Forest absorb 15 tonnes of CO₂ per year.


It was a great physical act that left many participants with sore muscles the next day, but the common goal and the joy of making a contribution to climate protection motivated and spurred everyone on. The beautiful weather probably also contributed to the good mood.


Alcedis Green plants trees in Giessen


All in all, planting 1.000 trees in a single day was a great experience. We are proud to have been part of this effort and hope that many more companies and organisations will follow suit. Alcedis will continue to work to minimise our environmental impact and fulfil our responsibility.

Big thanks to all the families, friends as well as all klimafairein volunteers, without whose commitment this event would not have been possible. We look forward to further joint "Alcedis Green" projects and hope that we can continue to have a positive impact on our environment.